Our Panel Arrangements

Providing service to Queensland State Government, Statutory Bodies and Owned Corporations under the following areas.

Provision of ICT Services

Strategy and Architecture

  • Advice and Guidance
  • Technical Strategy and Planning

Solution Development and Implementation

  • Systems Development
  • Human Factors
  • Installation and Integration

Service Management

  • Service Strategy
  • Services Design
  • Service Transition
  • Service Operation
Providing service to Queensland Local Government under the following areas.

For the provision of ICT Solutions & Services:

  • Hardware
  • Software & Licensing
  • Virtual/Cloud
  • Security
  • Consultancy – Strategy & Planning
  • Consultancy – Solution Provision
  • Managed Services – Infrastructure
  • Managed Services – Support
Providing service to NSW State and Local Government, Statutory Bodies and Owned Corporations under the following areas.

A – Architecture and Design

  • A03. Solution Architecture

R – ICT Cloud Services

  • R02. Cloud Hosting and Infrastructure
  • R03. Cloud support
Providing service to NSW Local Government under the following areas.

Category 5 – Professional Services

Category 10 – Managed Services

Category 13 – Cloud Services (Xaas)


Digital Marketplace
Providing service to Australian Government agencies, Corporations and Non-corporate entities under the following areas.

Support and Operations

Qualified as a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)