How Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Facilitates a Rapid Response to COVID-19 Changes

by | 18 Feb, 2021 | Blog

It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic transformed business operations overnight. Mandatory remote work is the norm now, rather than the exception.

So while most business leaders were quietly relieved that their infrastructure and business applications could (sort of) cope within the demands of remote connectivity, they’re now facing a new set of questions:

  • What have been the significant remote working learnings to date within our organisation?
  • What will the future workplace look like after the pandemic?
  • What crucial tools can I introduce now to make my employees simply more efficient?

If you’re currently a Microsoft IT shop that’s taken the initial steps to ‘lift-and-shift’ everything into Azure cloud, then it makes more-than-good sense to review Microsoft’s 30% discount on Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) for this quarter.

Why Use Windows Virtual Desktop?

The following are just a few of the benefits Windows Virtual Desktop offers business leaders who are responsible for sustaining remote productivity:

Standardised Procedures and Improved Flexibility

From an end-user perspective, flexibility is enhanced using WVD, as access to desktops and applications is permitted from various devices and browsers. WVD and Office 365 applications are optimised to work seamlessly together at the back-end, providing end-users with a continuous and stable experience. This results in the same experience, on any device – either working from home or back in the office.

As for IT staff that will be tasked to manage WVD, desktop applications are much simpler to manage as WVD allows either a Windows 10 or Windows 7 Operating System image to be deployed. IT staff can create and build standardised and consistent desktop images they can readily deploy to the fleet as needed.

Potential Cost Reductions

Using Azure with WVD removes the cost constraints that businesses currently have running and managing virtual desktops with Windows 10 and Windows 7. Azure WVD allows what’s called ‘session-based’ desktops on their Azure virtual machines, which results in vastly improved resource utilisation (and, therefore, reduced costs). 

This means IT staff can power on and off any WVD hosts that are not in use, only powering them back on as users commence logging in.

Security Compliance

Specific private industries and government organisations, are required, by law, to strictly abide by regulatory policies. Utilising Azure WVD technology removes many issues associated with security, data privacy, and regulatory compliance – this equates to peace of mind for any business leader.

Windows Virtual Desktop In Action

To see how WVD facilitates a rapid response to COVID-19 changes, take a look at Codify’s work with Noosa Shire Council through our Boundaryless offering.

Initially, Noosa had engaged Codify to manage its migration to Microsoft Azure, following its de-amalgamation from the Sunshine Coast Council and unsuccessful engagements with other IT partners.

However, the benefits of having the Azure platform in place became especially apparent as COVID emerged. As Noosa Shire Council’s Justin Thomas explained in our report on how Queensland government departments are navigating COVID-related remote work:

The virtual desktop allows the Council to use staff home PCs while protecting Council data against ransomware and viruses. Staff don’t need to take data offsite via USB or onto personal PCs. Their familiar work desktop including shortcuts is available.

Justin Thomas, ICT Manager, Noosa Shire Council

To see how your organisation can achieve similar benefits or to learn whether or not you qualify for Microsoft’s 30% discount

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